What to do


La Granadella

The Centre of Oil Culture of Catalonia

The CCOC group organizes and offers a series of activities aimed at different audiences, all of which have olive oil as a common interest.

Plaça de la Independencia, 1

Tel. 973 094 101



- Friday:  10.00-14.00

- Saturday: 10.00-14.00, 16.00-18.00

(Always require prior booking)


Casual visit to the Oil Culture Center: free

Visit to the Oil Museum of Catalonia: €3 (individual) €2 (group)

Oil tasting: €3 (individual) €2 (group)

Visit to the Oil Museum + oil tasting: €4 (individual) €3 (group)

Guided visit to the CCOC + visit to the Museum: €4 (individual) €3 (group)

Guided visit to the CCOC + visit to the Museum + Oil Tasting: €5 (individual) €4 (group)

Guided visit to the Oil Museum of Catalonia: €10 per group (+ individual entry)

  • People who may be attributed to the following category (young people, pensioners and the disabled) pay the group discount price.
  • A group consists of 15 or more people.
  • Children have free entry, but if they do a tasting, the price is €1